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Mold and rot growing on a floor joist in a crawl space.

Mold (also mildew) is a form of fungi that can cause health problems, especially for those with respiratory issues or allergies. Mold tends to grow in areas that stay damp. In addition to potential health issues, mold can damage property. Moreover, there are a lot of potential health problems mold which include headaches, respiratory difficulties, itchy and watery eyes, rashes, tiredness and frequent sneezing; all of which are caused by an allergic reaction.

Molds usually grown in the bathroom, kitchens and other damp areas. They can survive harsh and extreme conditions with some mold being able to survive in temperatures below freezing.

A small spore can set an outbreak causing surfaces to quickly spread with spores and establish a colony quickly, so it is important to get rid of them when signs of mold start to show. A possible solution to get rid of them would be to use vinegar mixed with baking soda and apply to areas of mold and scrub with a toothbrush. Bleach can also be used to kill mold, but may prove ineffective on porous materials.

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Mold growing on (from left to right) Blue cheese, Parmesan cheese, and Gouda cheese.

Not all mold are bad for us but can be beneficial in the aid of food production. Some examples would be mold in Stilton or other blue cheeses. They are also used in eastern Asia to help in breaking down starch and to ferment soybeans and rice to create make an array of sauces and drinks such as soy sauce and sake (rice wine),


If you accidentally forget to dry a load of laundry, and it becomes smelly, you can use vinegar to get rid of the mildew and its smell. From Vinegar Tips, "Forgot that you left wet laundry in the machine and it now smells moldy?" Pour a few cups of white distilled vinegar in the machine and wash the clothes in hot water. Then run a normal cycle with detergent."[1]

