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Dedication to Pierre Claveirole...

two similar vintage doors, decorated very differently


A contemporary doorway entrance.

Closet door and room doorways

closet door and room doorways

Doors separate and also provide entrances and exits.

Exterior doors

Exterior doors are often part of our first impressions of a building. In some cases, some houses have doorways that are impossible to enter or exit through without stairs built or ladder used to get through the highest point of the doorway. An example of that could be an entrance to the attic from outside.

Interior doors

Doors also provide a way of separating rooms and an indications of whether the occupant is currently available. Doors provide privacy. They also restrict the air circulation. Doorways and thresholds can be an impediment for some people.


  • lockable
  • security
  • appearance
  • privacy
  • transparency


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